The Icelandic movie API is a free REST service for obtaining information about movies showing in Icelandic cinemas. To use this service please fill out the short registration form here below.
The API is mainly built with data from open_in_newkvikmyndir.is. Special thanks to them for their contribution. In addition I have added data from open_in_newbioparadis.is and other services such as open_in_newOMDB API and open_in_newThe Movie Database API. The data from the API is updated daily.
The API is for non commercial purposes only because of third party data. Please explain briefly in the register form for what purpose you are going to use the API.
The API uses token based authentication. Before you can access any data from the API you will have to make an authentication POST request.
Below is an example of how you can authenticate and receive your token. First make a POST request to open_in_newhttps://api.kvikmyndir.is/authenticate with your username and password as credentials. If the credentials match your user the server will send back JSON response which will include your token. Your token will expire after 24 hours.
All requests to the API will have to include a token for authentication. A GET request to open_in_newhttps://api.kvikmyndir.is/movies can either have header field set as 'x-access-token' or have a token included as a query string parameter. If the token is correct the server will respond with data from the server.
Below is a list of all available endpoints in the API. All responses are in JSON format. For testing I recommend using applications such as open_in_newPostman, open_in_newAdvanced REST client or open_in_newJSONView.
If you have any problems or questions regarding the API than please feel free to contact me.
Method | Requests | Params | Description | Example |
GET | /movies |
/ title imdbid imdbrating showtime certificate actor director mongoid |
All movies now playing in cinemas Filters movies by title name Filters movies by imdbid Filters movies with bigger rating than number Filters movies by showtime bigger than time Filters movies by certificate Filters movies by actor Filters movies by director Filters movies by mongoid |
N/A /movies?title=The Revenant /movies?imdbid=tt1663202 /movies?imdbrating=8.0 /movies?showtime=20:00 /movies?certificate=16 /movies?actor=Tom Hardy /movies?director=Alejandro /movies?mongoid=56e50... |
Method | Requests | Params | Description | Example |
GET | /upcoming |
/ title imdbid actor director mongoid |
All upcoming movies Filters movies by title name Filters movies by imdbid Filters movies by actor Filters movies by director Filters movies by mongoid |
N/A /upcoming?title=The Revenant /upcoming?imdbid=tt1663202 /upcoming?actor=Tom Hardy /upcoming?director=Alejandro /upcoming?mongoid=56e50... |
For additional posters and backdrops make a request to TMDB and construct path from given JSON data from the response.
Baseurl: http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/
Image width: w500, w1000, w1920
Filepath: eTILB3qfPlj0Z01Meb1eBkXDnSa.jpg
Url: http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w1920/eTILB3qfPlj0Z01Meb1eBkXDnSa.jpg
Method | Requests | Params | Description | Example |
GET | /images |
/ imdbid |
All movies with extra images Filters movies by imdbid |
N/A /images?imdbid=tt1663202 |
Method | Requests | Description |
GET | /genres |
List of all genres |
Method | Requests | Description |
GET | /cinemas |
List of all Icelandic cinemas |
// GET Request for all movies playing now
// Url: https://api.kvikmyndir.is/movies
"_id": "572a43828d67709c36abc640",
"id": 9650,
"ids": {
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"tmdb": null
"title": "Captain America: Civil War",
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"year": "2016",
"durationMinutes": 146,
"genres": [
"ID": 1,
"Name": "Spennumynd",
"NameEN\t": "Action"
"ID": 6,
"Name": "Spennutryllir",
"NameEN\t": "Thriller"
"ID": 31,
"Name": "Vísindaskáldskapur",
"NameEN\t": "Sci-Fi"
"poster": "https://kvikmyndir.is/images/poster/9650_500.jpg",
"actors_abridged": [
"name": "Chris Evans"
"name": "Robert Downey Jr."
"directors_abridged": [
"name": "Anthony Russo"
"name": "Joe Russo"
"ratings": {
"imdb": "8.5",
"rotten_audience": null,
"rotten_critics": null
"showtimes": [
"cinema": {
"id": 4,
"name": "Laugarásbíó"
"schedule": [
"time": "18:00 (3D )",
"purchase_url": "https://midi.is/ref/?r=31cb221cbee549dc98f0bedfac5c34cd&p=/bio/11/1564"
"time": "21:00 (3D )",
"purchase_url": "https://midi.is/ref/?r=31cb221cbee549dc98f0bedfac5c34cd&p=/bio/11/1564"
"time": "22:25",
"purchase_url": "https://midi.is/ref/?r=31cb221cbee549dc98f0bedfac5c34cd&p=/bio/11/1566"
"cinema": {
"id": 6,
"name": "Álfabakki"
"schedule": [
"time": "16:00 (3D A)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210463/"
"time": "16:50 (P)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210478/"
"time": "16:50 (2)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210471/"
"time": "16:50 (3D 1)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210468/"
"time": "19:05 (3D A)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210461/"
"time": "20:00 (2)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210472/"
"time": "20:00 (P)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210479/"
"time": "20:00 (3D 1)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210469/"
"time": "22:10 (3D A)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210462/"
"time": "23:05 (P)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210480/"
"time": "23:05 (2)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210473/"
"time": "23:05 (3D 1)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210470/"
"cinema": {
"id": 7,
"name": "Kringlubíó"
"schedule": [
"time": "17:00 (3D 2)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210484/"
"time": "20:00 (3D 2)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210482/"
"time": "21:00 (3D 1)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210481/"
"time": "23:00 (3D 2)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210483/"
"cinema": {
"id": 8,
"name": "Sambíóin Egilshöll"
"schedule": [
"time": "17:00 (3D 1)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210640/"
"time": "19:00 (2)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210641/"
"time": "20:00 (3D 1)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210638/"
"time": "22:00 (2)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210642/"
"time": "23:00 (3D 1)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210639/"
"cinema": {
"id": 9,
"name": "Sambíóin, Akureyri"
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"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210488/"
"time": "20:00 (3D A)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210489/"
"time": "22:20 (B)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210492/"
"time": "23:00 (3D A)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210805/"
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"name": "Sambíóin, Keflavík"
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"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210493/"
"time": "20:30 (3D 1)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210494/"
"time": "22:30 (2)",
"purchase_url": "http://www.sambio.is/Websales/Show/210496/"
"certificate": {
"is": "12 ára",
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"trailers": [
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"Title": "Captain America: Civil War",
"Year": "2016",
"Rated": "PG-13",
"Released": "06 May 2016",
"Runtime": "146 min",
"Genre": "Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi",
"Director": "Anthony Russo, Joe Russo",
"Writer": "Christopher Markus (screenplay), Stephen McFeely (screenplay), Mark Millar (comic book), Joe Simon (characters), Jack Kirby (characters)",
"Actors": "Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan",
"Plot": "Political interference in the Avengers' activities causes a rift between former allies Captain America and Iron Man.",
"Language": "English",
"Country": "USA",
"Awards": "N/A",
"Poster": "http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjQ0MTgyNjAxMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjUzMDkyODE@._V1_SX300.jpg",
"Metascore": "84",
"imdbRating": "8.2",
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"tomatoFresh": "17",
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"tomatoConsensus": "N/A",
"tomatoUserMeter": "N/A",
"tomatoUserRating": "N/A",
"tomatoUserReviews": "97211",
"tomatoURL": "http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/captain_america_civil_war/",
"DVD": "N/A",
"BoxOffice": "N/A",
"Production": "Walt Disney Pictures",
"Website": "http://marvel.com/captainamerica#/home",
"Response": "True"
"plot": "Vegna misheppnaðra aðgerða sem kostað hafa mannslíf hefur\nstjórnin ákveðið að hér eftir þurfi Avengers-hópurinn og aðrir\nmeð ofurkrafta að fylgja ströngum reglum. Við þetta vill Steve\nRogers ekki sætta sig þvert á vilja Tonys Stark og smám saman\nmagnast deilan uns á brestur bardagi sem á eftir að taka sinn toll."
// GET Request for all upcoming movies
// Url: https://api.kvikmyndir.is/upcoming
"_id": "572a440e8d67709c36abc6d1",
"id": 9617,
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"imdb": "3065204",
"rotten": null,
"tmdb": null
"title": "The Conjuring 2",
"alternativeTitles": "",
"year": "2015",
"release-dateIS": "2016-06-08",
"genres": [
"ID": 5,
"Name": "Hrollvekja",
"NameEN\t": "Horror"
"actors_abridged": [
"name": "Vera Farmiga"
"name": "Patrick Wilson"
"directors_abridged": [
"name": "James Wan"
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"Year": "2016",
"Rated": "N/A",
"Released": "10 Jun 2016",
"Runtime": "N/A",
"Genre": "Horror",
"Director": "James Wan",
"Writer": "Carey Hayes (screenplay), Chad Hayes (screenplay), James Wan (screenplay), David Leslie Johnson (screenplay), Carey Hayes (story), Chad Hayes (story), James Wan (story)",
"Actors": "Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, David Thewlis, Franka Potente",
"Plot": "Lorraine and Ed Warren travel to north London to help a single mother raising four children alone in a house plagued by malicious spirits.",
"Language": "English",
"Country": "USA",
"Awards": "N/A",
"Poster": "http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BYmY1OWFjNWUtMTc3YS00ZTM3LTk0MDYtNzBhOTEwYzBmMTlmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjQ4NTMyMTg@._V1_SX300.jpg",
"Metascore": "N/A",
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"tomatoRating": "N/A",
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"BoxOffice": "N/A",
"Production": "Warner Bros. Pictures",
"Website": "N/A",
"Response": "True"
"plot": "The Conjuring 2 er byggð á einu þekktasta máli Ed Warren, sem Patrick Wilson leikur, og Lorraine Warren, sem Vera Farmiga leikur, en það er draugagangur sem einstæða móðirin Peggy Hodgson, sem Frances O´Connor leikur, upplifði árið 1977, ásamt fjórum börnum sínum.\n\nHinir yfirskilvitlegu atburðir áttu sér stað á tveggja ára tímabili í Hodgon húsinu í Brimsdown í Enfield á Englandi.",
"poster": "https://kvikmyndir.is/images/poster/9617_500.jpg"
// GET Request for posters and backdrops images
// Url: https://api.kvikmyndir.is/images?imdbid=tt2401878
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// GET Request genres provided by kvikmyndir.is
// Url: https://api.kvikmyndir.is/genres
"ID": 1,
"Name": "Spennumynd",
"NameEN\t": "Action"
"ID": 2,
"Name": "Gamanmynd",
"NameEN\t": "Comedy"
"ID": 3,
"Name": "Rómantísk",
"NameEN\t": "Romance"
"ID": 4,
"Name": "Drama",
"NameEN\t": "Drama"
"ID": 5,
"Name": "Hrollvekja",
"NameEN\t": "Horror"
// GET Request for cinemas in Iceland
// Url: https://api.kvikmyndir.is/theaters
"id": 1,
"name": "Smárabíó",
"address\t": "Smáralind",
"city": "201 Kópavogur",
"phone": "564-0000",
"website": "www.smarabio.is",
"description": "Smárabíó er eitt fullkomnasta kvikmyndahús landsins.
\n\nBíóið er með 5 sali og tekur rúmlega 1.000 manns í sæti..\n
"google_map": ""
"id": 2,
"name": "Háskólabíó",
"address\t": "Hagatorgi",
"city": "107 Reykjavík",
"phone": "530-1919",
"website": "www.haskolabio.is",
"description": "Í Háskólabíó eru 7 misstórir fyrirlestrarsalir sérhannaðir fyrir fundi og fyrirlestra, sá minnsti 23 sæta og sá stærsti 970 sæta, samtals 1891 sæti.\n\nÍ öllum sölunum eru þægilegir stólar, í sumum felliborð og hallandi gólf og veitir það þátttakendum bestu aðstæður til að fylgjast með fyrirlesurum og myndefni á tjaldi. Auk þess er möguleiki á að bæta við fundaaðstöðu í öðrum byggingum Háskólans á svæðinu.\n\nGott aðgengi er fyrir fatlaða í öllu húsinu. 700 bílastæði eru umhverfis húsið.\n\n
"google_map": ""
// Request
url : 'https://api.kvikmyndir.is/authenticate',
type : 'POST',
data : {
username : "My Username",
password : "My Password"
dataType : 'json',
success : function (response) {
// Response
"success" : true,
"message" : "Enjoy your token it expires in 24 hours",
"token" : "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJfaWQiOiI1NmZjMjk2YjFiYjM0M2Y4MGUyNDU3YWQiLCJnbG9iYWxhZG1pbiI6dHJ1ZSwiYWRtaW4iOnRydWUsImFjdGl2ZSI6dHJ1ZSwiZnVsbG5hbWUiOiJTbsOmciBTZWxqYW4gw57Ds3JvZGRzc29uIiwiZW1haWwiOiJzbmFlcnRoQGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoic25hZXJ0aCIsInBhc3N3b3JkIjoiJDJhJDA4JGs0RXMudy82Smw2UWRucjhuUjZPU09Eem13U0RBVmlVZElVZjhHSHhub05KNTFSSkRPRzQ2IiwibWVzc2FnZSI6IkkgYW0gdGhlIG9ubHkgZ2xvYmFsIGFkbWluIiwiaWF0IjoxNDYwODMwOTkwLCJleHAiOjE0NjA5MTczOTB9.sI3yuXmqci9xHW3o7sWVdXlPYjTPreWeAyca9YjiQjs"
// Request with token as query string
var token = eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI....;
url : 'https://api.kvikmyndir.is/movies?token=' + token,
type : 'GET'
dataType : 'json',
success : function (response) {
// Request with x-access-token header
var token = eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI....;
url : 'https://api.kvikmyndir.is/movies,
type : 'GET',
headers: {
x-access-token : token
dataType : 'json',
success : function (response) {
// Response
_id: "56e501e3a66cbc6d82a0df92",
id: 9996,
ids: {
imdb: "1663202",
rotten: null,
tmdb: null
title: "The Revenant",
alternativeTitles: "",
// Request with token as query string
var token = eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI....;
url : 'https://api.kvikmyndir.is/movies?title=The Revenant,
type : 'GET'
headers: {
x-access-token : token
dataType : 'json',
success : function (response) {
// Response
_id: "56e501e3a66cbc6d82a0df92",
id: 9996,
ids: {
imdb: "1663202",
rotten: null,
tmdb: null
title: "The Revenant",
alternativeTitles: "",